About the Editor

Pictured: Nala, Mel's trusty sidekick

Get TUF Editing Services began in October 2022. Born from a love of English and a keen eye for detail, I quickly discovered this was the path I was meant to be on. In my personal life, I have been fortunate enough to blend my love of writing with my professional life (you know...the one that pays the bills). 

Also in 2022, I was asked to join the editing team of Sand Kittens Press, Inc. as their proofreader and beta reader for the anthologies they produce. I have worked with many independent authors to date, providing line editing, proofreading, and alpha/beta reading.

I'm also proud to be an independently published author myself. If interested, check out my website to learn more!

On a personal note, I've been a wife for more than a quarter century and a mother of two incredible young women who make me proud everyday. Our home is exploding with cat and dog fur, and most of my time is spent behind the computer or binge watching sitcoms...repeatedly. You're welcome to follow my journey over on the Facebook, because I'm stubborn and refuse to adapt to new social media.

Thank you for visiting, and remember... WORDS ARE HARD. GET TUF!