Author Services
Genres I work with:
- Romance - all kinds, from super spicy to super sweet/fade to black (exceptions listed)
- RH
- Fantasy
- Supernatural
- Sci-Fi
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery / Suspense
Genres I do not work with:
- Historical
- Crime (procedural)
- Noir
- Mafia
- Dark Romance
- Erotica
- Non-Fiction

What is developmental editing?
This is typically the first step in the editing process. Developmental editing perfects the flow and overall structure of the story. It reinforces the foundation of your work and refines the story's plot and character arcs.
Who can help?
Check out my good friend Erica Damon's website! I have been working with her on a continuing basis and can personally attest to her level of expertise.

What is Line Editing?
A critical component of the editing process, line editing is typically conducted after developmental editing (or intense and thorough alpha/beta reads) and focuses on sentence structure, punctuation, word choice, pacing, flow, and more.
What you can expect from Get TUF...
New Clients
I request a 1500-word sample, preferably from somewhere in the middle of your manuscript, so that I may conduct a sample edit. This way you are able to review my process and work, and I am able to review your manuscript to access your writing style.
If we both agree to move forward, I will provide you with an estimate. Once the estimate is accepted, we will enter into a contract.
All Clients
I have adopted a 10/40/50 rule to all contracts going forward (unless otherwise indicated). 10% of grand total is due upon contract signing, 40% due midway through the project, and the remaining 50% is due at project completion. This will provide benchmarks for both parties to fairly access the project to ensure work is satisfactory and will be completed on time.
I will conduct two (2) rounds of edits with approximately one (1) week off in between. However, the second round will not begin until after you have had the opportunity to go through the first set of edits to accept/reject changes/edits, ask questions about suggested changes/edits, and respond to comments/questions.
Turnaround time
Approximately 4-6 weeks (depending on manuscript length)
If requesting the Author Bundle (see Discounts and Referrals), an additional 2-4 weeks is expected.
$8 per 1000 words

What is Proofreading?
As the final step in the editing process, proofreading occurs just before publication and is designed to catch typographical errors, formatting inconsistencies, and other smaller oversights that were missed earlier.
What you can expect from Get TUF...
All Clients
If solicited as a stand-alone service (meaning no line edits by Get TUF are completed), I will conduct two (2) read-throughs to ensure thoroughness with a minimum of one (1) week off between reads.
If you have selected the Author Bundle (see Discounts and Referrals), I will conduct one (1) final read-through after all edits have been resolved. Requests for a second read-through will be provided on a case-by-case basis at no extra charge. However, availability may be limited due to other scheduled projects.
Turnaround time
Approximately 2-4 weeks (depending on manuscript length)
If requesting the Author Bundle (see Discounts and Referrals), an additional 4-6 weeks is expected.
$5 per 1000 words
Free Services with Paid Commissions
Blurb Edit/Proofread
If requested, I will take a look at your blurb and make suggestions to help you create a compelling synopsis to draw readers in.
Marketing Teasers
If requested, I will highlight lines/passages that might make for enticing marketing teasers.
Discounts and Referrals
Author Bundle (15%):
Includes line editing (at $8/1k words) and proofreading (at $5/1k words). Discount applied to grand total.
Author Loyalty Discount (10%):
Discount applied to every signed contract after three (3) or more billed projects.
New-To-Me Clients (20%):
Discount plus 1500 words from sample edit subtracted from overall total word count.
Available for first-time Get TUF clients only.
Author Referral Program:
Receive a $25.00 bonus after referred author signs a contract (applies to line editing and proofreading services only); bonuses may be paid directly or applied to a future contract.
For more information or to submit a request, complete the form below.
Do we know each other thru social media? If not, let's connect!